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Import substitution in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: substitutionsubstituterestitutioninstitutionprostitutionconstitutioninstitutionalconstitutional
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1. Because import substitution rested on capital-intensive enterprises which required little labour and, therefore, did little to stimulate demand; 3.
2. Unfortunately, quasi-socialistic import substitution did not work anywhere it was tried.
3. India practiced extensive import substitution when it was industrializing.
4. As exports and imports fell, import substitution 6 abounded, and the colonial economy became considerably more self - sufficient .
5. Choosing import substitution strategy is and promotes industrial structure upgrading and enlarges employments.
6. It can encourage an upsurge of exports or import substitution.
7. He argued that the road to development should be built with import substitution and quasi-socialism.
8. Through imitation Japan, Germany, Italy and other countries products, direct import substitution.
9. We should take some strategies, such as export substitution, integrating import substitution with export expansion, coastal developing with consideration to inland area, monopoly export, ...
More similar words: substitutionsubstituterestitutioninstitutionprostitutionconstitutioninstitutionalconstitutionalunconstitutionalconstitutionalismconstitutional conventionunited states constitutionrestituteinstitutedestituteimportprostituteconstitutereconstituteimportuneimportantimportanceunimportantimportantlyimportunateof importancesubstantiationproportional representationportionimposition
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